Biomedical research on foods, nutrition, and lifestyle-related diseases
Prevention of cancer and other lifestyle-related diseases by food components and nutritional intervention
Lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer are increasing worldwide. In a clinical condition and in vivo experiments, it is well known that a systemic moderate or low-level but chronic inflammation is strongly associated with life-style related diseases. The etiologies of several life-style related diseases are sometimes attributed to proinflammatory metabolites derived from not only host-metabolisms but also gut microbiota. We use biochemical and molecular biology methods (e.g., metabolomics, proteomics, lipidomics, DNA adductomics, whole genome sequencing and RNAseq) to identify novel biomarkers which are associated with early onset lifestyle-related diseases. Using these biomarkers, we also search for food and nutritional factors that prevent and delay the onset of lifestyle- and aging-related diseases.
- 1. In vivo quantities, metabolisms, and dynamics of functional food factors and their underlying molecular mechanisms
Aim of this study is an establishment of effective strategy to prevent and suppress the several lifestyle-related diseases by functional food factors. We elucidate the metabolism, in vivo dynamics and mode of action of potential food factors. We perform component analysis of food materials and bioassay using culture cells and experimental animals. Our biggest interest is local (Shizuoka) food ingredients, such as diosgenin contained in Japanese yam and isothiocyanates contained in Japanese horse radish (wasabi), polyphenols in green tea.
- 2. Exploring and identification of gut bacterial metabolites triggering the lifestyle-related diseases
Chronic inflammation has been observed in many lifestyle-related diseases, in which several intestinal bacterial metabolites has strongly contributed to the pathological lesion. We thoroughly analyze the feces of lifestyle-related disease model animals, identify inflammatory metabolites, evaluate their usefulness as biomarkers, and develop inflammation control methods.
- 3. Cancer chemoprevention and biomarkers for carcinogenesis
Genotoxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic metabolites in biological samples (blood, urine, feces) of, for example, NASH-hepatocellular carcinogenesis and aromatic amines-induced bladder carcinogenesis are comprehensively analyzed to examine the molecular mechanisms of their carcinogenesis.
- Figure 1
- Appearance of colored soybeans (left) and bioactive soybean peptide leginsulin (right) (Sci Rep, 2018, 8, 16847)

- Figure 2
- Exploring and identification of gut bacterial metabolites triggering low-level chronic inflammation in lifestyle-related diseases (Sci Rep, 2020, 10, 5681, Sci Rep, 2020, 10, 6479)

- J. Agric. Food. Chem., (2023) 71, 4292-4297.
- Antioxidants, (2022) 11, 2352.
- Chem. Res. Toxicol., (2022) 35, 1625-1630.
- Molecules, (2022) 27, 3816.
- Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., (2022) 15, 1-13.
- Food Funct. (2022) 13, 3879-3893.
- J. Agric. Food. Chem., (2021) 69, 13780-13786.
- Chem. Res. Toxicol., (2021) 34, 912-919.